
Construction difficulty: Easy

The Oakley Dual-LFO is a single width 5U high module that features two highly useful low frequency oscillators.

This is an updated version of the low frequency oscillator from a classic Japanese vintage analogue synthesiser. It features two output waveforms, triangle and pulse. But, the design also incorporates a 'Shape' control that affects the rise and fall times of the triangle waveform, and mark-space ratio of the pulse waveform. Therefore, you can get sawtooth and reverse sawtooth from the triangle output by using the Shape control.

The Dual-LFO uses an integrated FET switch IC to enhance the original design. It also allows the use of waveform synchronisation. This is where the output waveform is reset back to zero when a SYNC pulse arrives from another module (or the other half of the Dual-LFO). If the SYNC pulse is the GATE output of a midi-CV convertor, then you can use the Dual-LFO as a linearly sloped repeating envelope generator.

A range switch on each LFO allows for a wide range of low frequencies to be generated.

The module accommodates either our standard Oakley/MOTM power header or a Synthesizers.com power header. The current draw is around +30mA and -10mA.

The board size is 84mm (deep) x 126mm (high). As with all Oakley projects the PCB is double sided with through plated holes, has tough solder mask both sides, and has bold component legending for ease of construction.


Operating frequency: 0.3Hz - 30Hz (fast), 0.03Hz - 3Hz (slow)

Pulse output level: 0V (low state), 9V (high state)

Triangle wave output level: +/-4.5V

The prototype Dual-LFO behind a natural finish MOTM format panel. Note the optional Sock6 PCB that holds the six 1/4" sockets and makes the build much quicker and easier.


Click here for ordering details.

Dual-LFO issue 1.1 PCB ............................... 14GBP

Sock 6 issue 2 PCB ......................................... 6GBP
Dual-LFO pot bracket kit .................................. 0.75GBP

The optional Pot Bracket Kit contains the three 16mm Alpha pot brackets required to complete one module.

All other parts can be purchased from your usual electronic component supplier.

All prices include VAT at UK rates. Shipping is additional to these prices. See also the FAQ page.

Project Downloads

Builder's Guide

User Manual

Construction Guide Our handy guide to building Oakley DIY projects

Parts Guide Our handy guide to buying parts for Oakley DIY projects.

Schematics are only available to purchasers of the PCB and will be sent via e-mail when the board(s) are shipped.

Front Panel database

A Schaeffer front panel can be made for this module in either traditional black or natural finish. The databases can be found by downloading the following links:

5U format 1U wide Dual-LFO module in traditional black

5U format 1U wide Dual-LFO module in natural finish

To read these files you will need a copy of 'Frontplatten designer' from Schaeffer. The program also features on-line ordering, so it's easy to buy your panels from Scheaffer.

The company are based in Berlin in Germany and will send out panels to anywhere in the world. Delivery to the UK normally takes around ten days. For North American users you can also order your Schaeffer panels from Front Panel Express.

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Copyright: Tony Allgood.
Last revised: April 04, 2022.