By using this site, you accept the following. Should you choose not to read this information, this shall be deemed implicit acceptance of these terms and conditions.
It is believed by me, that the designs and literature presented are either original, in the public domain or may be considered common knowledge or based thereon, and do not violate the copyright of any other party. This cannot be guaranteed however, and I accept no liability for loss or damages that may be imposed upon you by any court of law, statutory or other body should it transpire that a similar circuit has been simultaneously or previously designed, published or patented by another party.
Nor shall I be held responsible for the failure of any project described to operate as described, loss or destruction of components or any other loss whether direct or consequential including loss of life or personal injury. It is entirely your responsibility to determine the suitability of any design for the intended purpose.
Without limiting the foregoing, everything on this website is provided to you 'as is' without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. If errors are found, please write an e-mail to me and describe the error so that corrections may be made.
Furthermore, I will not be held responsible for any damages or loss, whether direct or consequential, that have been caused by the use of any goods sold to you by me.
I reserve the right to alter product specfications at any time without notification in the interests of product development. However, any information pertaining to the specification of the PCBs or projects on this website are believed to be valid at that date indicated at the bottom of the relevant web page.
Note: The words 'me', 'my' and 'I' refer to Oakley Sound Systems, namely the proprietor A J Allgood. The word 'you' and 'your' refers to the user of my services.